Grace Note Chimes is going out of business and no longer offers wind chime repair and refurbishing.
If you need more information about your Grace Note Chimes, please call the company at (800) 228-4463.
Will of the Wind has no further information at this time, 4/29/23.
Will of the Wiind receives many emails from happy Grace Note windchimes owners who have enjoyed their windchimes way beyond the 10-year warranty period and who now would like to have their chimes refurbished. Grace Note Wind Chimes offers this service because their beautiful, hand-tuned wind chimes are well worth it.
Here is all the information you will need to send your wind chimes to Grace Note's manufacturing plant in Mariposa, CA. If you have questions, or need any further assistance, please contact either Grace Note Chimes (800) 228-4463/.
Windchime Repair or Refurbishing at Grace Note Chimes - Mariposa, California
Grace Note Windchimes now guarantees their product for 10 years and as many of you know they far outlive their warranty. Although exposure to harsh elements will eventually affect even the highest quality materials. That is why Grace Note Windchimes offer a complete windchime repair. Their repair includes new strings, composite striker, windplate, rebrushed tubes and new top ring, basically your chime comes back to you just like brand new. Once your chime is received it is repaired and shipped back to you (please allow 3-4 weeks for return).
The price of the repair depends on the size of your chime:
$30.00 for a Little Grace Notes
$40.00 for a Petite, Small
$50.00 for a Medium, Steeple, Large
$65.00 for an Extra Large
$80.00 for Super or Deluxe Chimes, Carillons
(return shipping is included)
Regular Business Hours: Monday to Friday 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM Pacific time.
(800) 228-4463
Ship by UPS or FedEx to:
Grace Note Chimes
3883 Hwy 49 South
Mariposa, CA 95338
Ship by US Postal Service to:
Grace Note Chimes
PO Box 1168
Mariposa, CA 95338
Please include a personal check with your return.
If you do not know the size of your chime, please measure the outside diameter of one of the tubes and check it with the following table:
Little Grace Notes - 7/16 inch
Petite and Petite Steeple Chimes - 3/4 inch
Small - 7/8 inch
Large Steeple Chimes - 7/9 inch
Medium or Petite Steeple - 1 ¼ inches
Large - 1 ½ inches
Extra Large - 1 ¾ inches
Earthsong and Treasure of Heaven Carillons - 2 ¼ inches
Himalayan Echo Deluxe Carillon - 2 ¾ inches
If you still are not sure, you may call Grace Note Chimes for more information or help.
Chimes made prior to 2004 are guaranteed against breakage for 5 years, and all chimes made since carry a 10 year guarantee due to product improvements