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Kite Line Spool - 500 Feet - Available 30LB, 50LB, and 90LB Kite Line
500 feet of kite line on brightly colored kite line spools that provide smooth spin-out and rapid rewind...
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• Kite Line Spools • "Skywinder" Kite Reels • Kite Tails
With proper care and handling, your kite will fly for many years to come. Here are a few basic guidelines from Kitesinc.com to help you keep your kite in prime flying condition. If you fly your kite at the beach, sand and salt can stick to the sail and cause wear over time. After flying at the beach, take a few minutes to rinse sand off of the kite with fresh water. Allow the sail to dry before storing. If necessary, clean it by hand with a mild detergent and sponge and a llow it to air-dry Extended exposure to sunlight can fade the bright colors of the sail, so when possible, store your kite away from direct sunlight; don't keep your kite in the back window of the car. When storing your kite, it's best to roll up the sail. Try to avoid creasing creasing your kite and remove all tension from the sail whereever possible. Be careful to keep all of the kite's pieces together; some of the pieces are small and easily lost. When you are finished flying, you can leave the string attached to the kite, or you can untie the string to store it separately, whichever is easiest for you.
Kite Flying Tips and Tricks: 1. Kites fly best in wide open spaces. Avoid flying your kite in areas near buildings and trees.
2. To Launch, stand with the wind to your back.
3. Hold the kite with the nose up in one hand while securely holding the winder in the other.
4. When you feel the pressure of the wind against the kite, let go. As the kite rises,slowly release the line.
5. A high altitude launch is an effective method of getting your kite off the ground in light winds. Have someone stand downwind as you let out as much line as possible (>100 feet). As the kite is released into the wind, tug on the line.
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